
Mikhail Pavstyuk


Need a Ghostwriter to Help Share Your Story?


Do you have a story to tell?

Are you motivated to share your expertise with the world?

Many people have something to say, but lack the time or skill to take their ideas from concept to finished product. As a professional ghost writer, I can help. I have ghostwritten books and e-books on topics that include starting a business, becoming a mortgage broker, ceramics, natural healing through diet, interviewing for job success, and many other topics.

Get the Level of Service You Need

My clients use my services for a broad range of purposes. While some have expressed interest in pursuing traditional publishing, increasingly people are choosing to electronically publish or self publish. Some want to create e-books that are then sold on websites and othersĀ are looking for a ghostwriter to create small e-books to use as giveaways to get people to sign up for their email lists.

Have you already started a project or worry about the cost of a ghost writer to complete your entire project? I can provide a hybrid service that is tailored to your requirements; for example, writing part of your book or editing, cleaning up, or rewriting work that you have already started. My hybrid service may be the best option, if you need to save money or want to write portions of your own work. Any of these options will cost less than hiring a ghostwriter to complete the project from start to finish, which is an attractive option when budget is an issue.

Communication is key to a successful ghostwriting experience. Initially, I like to conduct interviews via telephone or Skype. You can also send written notes through email, tape recordings with your thoughts, or send your handwritten notes by mail. Each client has unique preferences about how they like to communicate. I am flexible and a combination of methods works well for many clients, such as starting off with a telephone or Skype interview and then sending your thoughts in email notes.


PLEASE NOTE: Due to the variety of e-reader devices that your audience may be using, it is a good idea to hire a professional formatter, if you are planning to sell the book in this format. Ghostwriting services do not include formatting for e-readers. It is really in your best interests to hire a professional with specific experience with Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the many other retail channels used to market books in electronic formats.